New Flameproof Housing Supports Hazardous Area Use for Key AMETEK Land Temperature Measuring Instruments

The new EXSH1 flameproof housings have been developed for use with the EX SPOT pyrometer range and LWIR-640 thermal imager and are approved for operation in hazardous areas.
Manufactured from 316/316L stainless steel and highly resistant to corrosion, both enclosures have a certified temperature range of -40 to +70 °C (-40 to 158 °F).

Ingress protection to IP66 and IP68 means that they can be exposed to dust, water immersion and high-pressure water jets, making them suitable for use in almost any application in the harshest of environmental conditions, including those where explosive mixtures are present.

The housing has a gridless design, allowing an unobstructed field of view, and is certified for use in areas with dust and gas hazards. Additionally, the enclosure does not require purge air for safety.

The EXSH1 EX SPOT housing is designed for use with the EX SPOT range, a family of fully-featured, high-performance pyrometers for fixed, non-contact, infrared spot temperature measurements. 

EX SPOT pyrometers are available in a range of operating wavelengths, temperatures, and process requirements, and the new housing will enhance their capabilities in continuous annealing lines, semiconductor growth, and applications in the hydrocarbon processing and chemical industries.

The EXSH1 LWIR housing has been created specifically for the LWIR-640 thermal imager, a long-wavelength instrument providing measurements between -20 and 1000 °C (-4 and 1832 °F) in three ranges with a choice of different optics and lenses.

The LWIR-640 measures and streams live true-temperature images at up to 60 frames per second, providing high-precision temperature measurements and thermal profiles to continuously control, document, and visualise industrial processes.

The new housing protects the LWIR-640 in applications including flare stack monitoring, critical vessel monitoring, storage pile monitoring, and operations within the hydrocarbon processing and chemical industries.

With ATEX, IECEx and UKEX certifications, the housings comply with multiple international standards. This means that a common specification can be used for worldwide applications, greatly simplifying the task of specifying and quoting the product.

A range of accessories is available for the housings, including various mounting brackets with pan and tilt adjustment, a sun shield for outdoor applications, and a spoolpiece adaptor. An environmental protection tube is offered for the LWIR housing, for flare stack applications, while further accessories for the EX SPOT housing include purges and a vertical mounting stand.

Derek Stuart, Product Manager, said: “The EXSH1 housing allows customers in many new industries, including hydrocarbons and semiconductors, to benefit from the accuracy and reliability of AMETEK Land’s thermometers and thermal imagers.”

30.06.2023, AMETEK Land

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