Marc Meersschaut is taking well-deserved retirement on 1 July. For more than 17 years, the sales professional was on the road for futronic worldwide in the glass industry business unit. For example, he very successfully developed the important market in South America and thus contributed significantly to the company's growth. As an expert in the industry and a good listener, he also brought home many product ideas from his numerous travels. His successor, Michael Maier, has been with the company since the beginning of the year and already been well trained. But at least one human gap remains.
For more than 17 years, Marc Meersschaut was on the road for futronic worldwide in the glass industry business unit. His focus was primarily on the South American market. The sales professional recognised the potential of these regions early on and took advantage of the opportunities. Over the years, the 63-year-old established valuable contacts and cultivated excellent relationships with customers on the other side of the Atlantic. He always sought dialogue, personal conversation, at the various trade fairs as well as during numerous visits to the glass factories between Monterrey and Tierra del Fuego.
Intimate industry expert and good listener
Meersschaut, an intimate industry expert and good listener, also brought home many suggestions for improvement and exciting product ideas from his numerous travels, which the automation specialists in Tettnang have further developed and brought to series and market readiness. But now it's the end for him. On 1 July, Marc Meersschaut will retire into a well-deserved retirement.
Professional transition secured – human gap remains
"Marc has done a lot for futronic and made a significant contribution to our success in the container glass division", sums up futronic Managing Director Michael Preuss. "We really hate to let him go, but there comes a time. On behalf of the company, I would like to express my sincere thanks for his outstanding achievements and his many years of commitment", adds Preuss. Meersschaut's successor has already been in place since the beginning of the year. Michael Maier has big shoes to fill, but he had plenty of opportunity to grow into his role at Meersschaut's side. The technical transition is therefore secure, Maier has long been part of the futronic family and integrated into the sales team. Nevertheless, a human gap remains. Preuss: "Marc will not only be missed by me, but also by the entire staff."
Cosmopolitan and linguistic talent
Marc Meersschaut was born in Belgium and studied electrical engineering there. Immediately afterwards, he went to Haiti for four years to train teachers. After returning from the Caribbean, he worked in his first job as a systems engineer in his home country. Finally, he moved to southern Germany, where he was initially responsible for the IT department of a textile company in Ravensburg. In October 2006, Meersschaut joined futronic.
In his role as sales engineer for various international markets, he benefited not least from his experience abroad and his talent for languages. The cosmopolitan speaks fluent German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch – and Creole. To this day, Meersschaut maintains friendships and contacts to Haiti and is involved in aid organisations. In his private life, he likes to travel and go high up: mountain biking and climbing are just two of his many hobbies. Meersschaut is married and has a daughter.
28.06.2023, futronic
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