Vitro recently released updated versions of its Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for both flat and processed glass. These updates confirm that Vitro’s glass products contain just 1350 kilograms of CO2 equivalent, which is 6% lower than the NGA’s industry standard for architectural glass products and represents an improvement on figures reported in 2017.
EPDs offer detailed data about the embodied carbon values and life-cycle impact on the environment of a wide range of architectural building products and can be used as credentialing documentation for sustainability certifications such as the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Certification.
Vitro’s lower embodied carbon result was driven by several key steps taken by our production teams, including Vitro’s pioneering use of oxy-fuel technology at three plant locations in the U.S.
Upcoming CE Webinars & Events
Vitro is offering virtual events and Continuing Education (CE) webinars throughout June as part of the Glass Insider Education webinar series. We hope you’ll join us!
CE Webinar | How to Use Acid-Etched Glass and Mirror to Meet Design Intents in Interior Applications (June 20, 2:00PM EST)
CE Webinar | How to Effectively Integrate Acid-Etched Glass in Exterior Glazing Systems (June 27, 2:00PM EST)
CE Webinar | Glass Production, Processing & Performance (June 29, 2:00PM EST)
28.06.2023, Vitro
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