An important initiative, organized by Marevivo, was concluded on 27th May: an operation to clean the seabed, during which a net 450 meters long weighing about 500 kg was removed at San Felice Circeo, in an area rich in Neptune grass (Posidonia Oceanica).
This is an action that Zignago Vetro is proud to have sponsored, and which needs to be put into context so as to fully understand it.
The context
The more wide-ranging and ambitious project of which this operation is a part is a simple one: to give new life to the sea and its forests, a goal based on certain key facts that it is important to remember:
More than 50% of the oxygen we breathe is produced in the sea, thanks to photosynthetic organisms such as, for example, marine plants;
The oceans absorb around 24 million metric tons a day of carbon dioxide (CO2);
Marine plants also limit climate change, safeguard biodiversity, and protect the coastlines from erosion;
2 m² of sea forests release on average each day the equivalent amount of oxygen to that given off by an adult tree. That is not all: they absorb carbon dioxide 35 times faster than forests on land.
In view of this information, we can undoubtedly conclude that the sea and its ecosystems are fundamental and irreplaceable resources for our lives: a real “blue lung”, unfortunately constantly being harmed by man and by climate change.
Zignago Vetro’s contribution
Acting to invert the fate of our seas is necessary, and continues to be possible. We all have to do it, individuals as well as companies. For this reason, Zignago Vetro is delighted to be able to stand by Marevivo, supporting its projects and single initiatives, both today and tomorrow, with the objective of being able to share the results with everybody in the future.
28.06.2023, Zignago Vetro
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