On 12-16 June, Kanthal will be at Thermprocess along with our experts, who will be available to answer your questions and discuss all things related to electric heating.
Whether you are interested in electrification of a few processes or your entire production chain, or if you would like to learn more about temperature range, costs or quality assurance. Our experts are looking forward to discussing the opportunities and benefits with you.
Three of our experts who will be attending Thermprocess include:
Jesse Franklin White, Strategic Area Manager
Jesper Ejenstam, R&D Manager
Onintze Achutegui, Technical Marketing Manager
Get a preview of what they have to say and learn more about Kanthal’s presence at Thermprocess
To meet more experts, come to our stand, which can be found in Hall 10, at booth B72.
08.06.2023, Kanthal
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