Glaston has appointed Riikka Laitasalo, M.Sc. (Econ.) as SVP People and Culture and a member of the Executive Management Group. She will start in her position on 1 August 2023 and will report to President & CEO Anders Dahlblom.
Riikka Laitasalo moves to Glaston from the position as HR Director, Integrated Supply Chain at Kalmar, a business area of Cargotec Corporation. Prior to this, Riikka Laitasalo has served in various Human Resources positions at Kalmar and KONE Corporation.
“Riikka has a broad background within HR leadership roles and her long experience will be very valuable as we continue to develop the company and our people and culture agenda. I warmly welcome Riikka to our team,” says Glaston’s President & CEO Anders Dahlblom
01.06.2023, Glaston
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