On 12-16 June, Kanthal will be at Thermprocess – the world’s biggest exhibition for innovative technologies for industrial thermoprocessing plants. Dilip Chandrasekaran, Business Development Manager at Kanthal, will be one of the event’s speakers and will give a presentation on the benefits and advantages of electric heating in industrial heating processes, which will cover:
-How switching from gas heating to electric can effectively make heat treatment processes emissions-free.
-How electric heating can deliver thermal efficiency of over 90 percent.
-Why electric heaters offer effectively maintenance-free operation.
-How electrification can reduce or remove CO2 emissions in a number of heating processes.
-Why electric heating technology is set to play an important role in the transition to a fossil fuel-free future.
Dilip Chandrasekaran will be delivering his presentation at 4pm on June 14th, at Kanthal’s stand, which can be found in Hall 10, at booth B72.
All exhibition attendees are welcome.
25.05.2023, Kanthal
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