Vetromeccanica has announced that is attending Glassman USA 2023 from 6 to 7 of June in Cleveland.
The company will present the project for a new production area and its installations carried out during these last few years. New cold end solutions for green field furnaces as well as simple cold end lines and palletizers overhauling. Last but not least, an important project of 8 robot palletizers with relevant cold end lines recently acquired.
“We are looking forward to meet our actual and future customers during Glassman USA. US market is very important and strategic for Vetromeccanica, in fact thanks to our local presence in the packaging industries and Vetromeccanica Headquarter in Maryland we consider US market the target of next few years. We also invite everybody to visit our headquarters close to Parma in Italy to see the “work in progress” of our glass installations,” said Luca Bucci, Sales Area Manager.
Vetromeccanica sales team would like to thank in advance all the visitors at their stand B10 at Glassman USA.
10.05.2023, Vetromeccanica
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