Zignago Vetro and its products are setting off on their travels, this time to land at the Javits Convention Center in the iconic “Big Apple”.
The occasion will be the Luxe Pack show, which plays host each year to producers of packaging for luxury products destined for various segments of the market, including jewelry, cosmetics, and even food, wine and spirits.
A show, and an opportunity
Zignago Vetro will also be present with its range of exclusive, customized and sustainable glassware solutions for the Cosmetics & Perfumery sector.
It will be an excellent opportunity to tell people about our most innovative products, the values of the Zignago Vetro Group, and its typically Italian savoir faire.
For the second year running we will be exhibiting together with Eurovetrocap, with the aim of offering our clients complete packaging solutions.
As always, the show will be an event that acts as a great stimulus for our Group, which will be able to surround itself and come into contact with a vast number of interesting producers from around the world.
09.05.2023, Zignago Vetro
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