Last month, members of Vitro's leadership team joined the Pittsburgh Glass Center (PGC) in celebrating the groundbreaking of its landmark expansion project. As one of the leading champions of PGC's work and its expansion, Vitro is donating glass for both the interior and exterior renovations, which will help enhance the design, functionality and sustainability of this project.
Produced entirely in Pennsylvania, Vitro’s donation includes Solarban® 72 Starphire® glass for exceptional light transmission and solar control performance. Additionally, this is the first Pittsburgh-area project to include one of Vitro’s newest products, VacuMax™ Vacuum Insulating Glass (VIG), for world-leading insulating value on a scale previously unachievable with conventional glazings.
In our latest YouTube video, hear remarks from Ricardo Maiz, president of Vitro Architectural Glass, as well as local leaders and PGC stakeholders. For more information about the event, read the full story in our newsroom.
24.04.2023, Vitro
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