A partnership between Progressive Planet and Recycle BC will open up a new end market for post-consumer glass in British Columbia.
Recycle BC agreed to send Progressive Planet a steady supply of post-consumer glass to create pozzolan, which will be used to produce cement, ideally with reduced CO2 emissions.
Ian Grant, chief operating officer of Progressive Planet, said in a press release that the goal is to “help the cement industry reduce its carbon footprint.”
The glass will be used to make PozGlass 100G at a pilot plant, which is slated to begin construction in 2023 and become operational in 2024. It will be located at the company’s Kamloops, British Columbia headquarters.
PozGlass can be used as a replacement for Portland cement and fly ash from coal plants, which are typically used in concrete.
Recycle BC, a nonprofit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia under the province’s extended producer responsibility law, said it was “happy to approve Progressive Planet’s Pilot Plant facility as an end market for our program’s glass, assuming they meet and continue to adhere to Recycle BC’s standards for end markets.”
29.03.2023, Resource Recycling
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