Zignago Vetro will be exhibiting at the 2023 cosmoprof worldwide fair in Bologna

Zignago Vetro’s outstanding products will be at the 2023 Cosmoprof Worldwide Fair in Bologna, an eagerly awaited event which, for over 50 years, has represented a point of reference for companies and professionals in all sectors of the cosmetics industry, which considers it synonymous with excellence and innovation.

The world of cosmetics and perfumery is a market in which the Zignago Vetro Group operates with the Zignago Vetro and Zignago Brosse brands, offering products that have always constituted a mix of design, precision and sophistication. Participating in this fair is an opportunity to show off these characteristics to companies and members of the industry from all over the world.

Besides new standard products in the sphere of cosmetics, Zignago Vetro will be there to present some of its more innovative solutions. These will include the must-have and now well-established Deep Green Collection which has, since 2017, offered containers for cosmetics in ecofriendly green glass, as well as lighter products and those with a high proportion of PCR glass. Among the most sustainable novelties there will also be containers with screw necks - an idea created to facilitate the separation of the products’ various accessories, thus favoring waste sorting and the reuse of materials – designed for both the world of perfumery and that of make-up. As regards this latter field, we really must mention another specially designed container: a single product that can be used for both mascara and lip gloss.

Lastly – but not in terms of importance -  the event will represent an important occasion for consolidating the Zignago Vetro Group’s presence in the international marketplace, for meeting members of the industry and potential trading partners from all over the world, and for remaining up to date with the latest trends and innovations.

15.03.2023, Zignago Vetro

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