There are less than two months to go until the world's largest showcase for the packaging and related process industries: interpack kicks off in Düsseldorf on 4 May.
Since its inception, interpack has repeatedly proven to be the starting point for pioneering innovations. Your starting point for experiencing it live is our online ticket shop on the web , where your ticket is already waiting for you - at a lower price than on site and without any waiting times.
We have also put together some other exciting topics for you here. See for yourself - and be there live in May.
With kind regards
Your interpack Team
The Hot Topics of interpack 2023
What is currently burning on the industry's mind? Four hot topics form a clear focus at this year's interpack.
Perfect orientation: the interactive hall plan
What happens where at interpack 2023? Where exactly are the exhibitors and topics that are of particular interest to you? The interactive hall plan gives you the perfect orientation right away.
Discover now: the industries at interpack
Only interpack represents the entire value chain. And nowhere else does the packaging industry provide all industrial sectors with customised solutions and innovative concepts.
10.03.2023, interpack
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