To better meet the needs of its customers, Saint-Gobain Glass is developing its glazing configuration tool into a series of digital services: Calumen® Suite. Clear and intuitive online tools to allow professionals to identify the best solution for their projects.
This new Calumen® is a configuration tool available to all professionals, regardless of their level of expertise in glass products: architects, design offices, consultants, facade or window manufacturers, glass processors or general contractors.
One of the advantages Calumen® has over its previous version is its easy-to-use interface and the key features it offers:
Project mode;
Glazing comparison;
Identification of glazing with specific performance;
Enhanced acoustic database;
Product aesthetics illustrations;
Fire and safety certificates.
This new tool will help professionals to find the best glazing for all their architectural or residential projects. A seamless experience that meets the needs of customers and uses the full potential of technological innovation to support the Group’s digital transformation. Other services and features will be added to Calumen® Suite.
06.03.2023, Saint-Gobain
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