Onyx Solar, pioneers in photovoltaic glass technology, successfully completed the installation of the photovoltaic integration project using its new line of products, known as "Hidden Photovoltaics." This glass contains hidden cells within that are completely invisible while yet maintaining electricity generation.
Each of the 608 m2 of photovoltaic silicon glasses has a white digital imprint that has been installed as a ventilated facade on the Beit Havered building in Tel Aviv, Israel.
This creative solution combines the functionality of a conventional glass with the ability to produce solar energy. The installation renovates the building and consists of 242 photovoltaic glasses with various sizes and a 4T+6T window configuration to meet the aesthetic requirements of Amot Investments, a leading real estate company in Israel.
The installation will enable its owners to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. The simplicity of installation and maintenance of Onyx Solar's photovoltaic glass means that users will be able to take advantage of both the active and passive properties of this ground-breaking technology.
Leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality photovoltaic glass is Onyx Solar. The team of experts, which has extensive experience in the field of renewable energy, is committed to providing novel and sustainable solutions to help our customers.
03.03.2023, ONYX SOLAR
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