Ryan Berrios has joined Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) as a commercial account manager for Northern California, Northern Nevada, Utah and Colorado.
Serving as lead for commercial fabrication accounts in these areas, Berrios will offer consultation to fabricators, glaziers and other stakeholders by identifying the best-performing glass products for their projects.
“Ryan is an exciting addition to the team, bringing with him 30 years of experience in the commercial construction market,” said David Linhart, manager of sales, West Region, Vitro Architectural Glass. “We’re certain that with his vast sales experience and knowledge he’ll provide excellent support for customers in the Pacific Mountain Territory and connect them with the appropriate Vitro products to fit their project needs.”
Prior to joining Vitro, Berrios worked in multiple roles over a 30-year career at B-K Lighting, Inc., an architectural and landscape lighting manufacturer, including his most recent position as national sales manager.
02.03.2023, Vitro
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