The earthquake that occurred in Türkiye and Syria on February 6 shook us at our core. We are deeply saddened for the lives we lost, and feel the pain in our hearts.
Right after the disaster, we took prompt action to heal the wounds and meet the needs in the region. We believe that our sincere support since day one reflects the feelings of our 24 thousand employees in 14 countries.
Şişecam Volunteer Emergency Help Team - SAVE, took part in the search and rescue efforts in the region. SAVE teams continue to work in the region for logistics needs. We immediately delivered 45 trucks including living containers, generators, tents, stoves, winter clothes and shoes, technical and humanitarian aid to the disaster area. We also supplied 26 trucks of drinking water, 4 trucks of milk, 3 trucks of bread and 1 truck of glass feeding bottles to the relevant units for distribution to those in need. We are also supporting the blood donation campaign with the contribution of our colleagues.
The in-kind and cash aid we have provided to those who are in need in the region has reached 225 Million TL so far. We are aware that we can heal the wounds only with sustainable support. Therefore, we continue our efforts to take the necessary actions in order to produce long-term permanent solutions in the region.
We would like to inform you that no damage has occurred in our facilities during the disaster, and all our activities continue uninterruptedly.
Please let us take this opportunity to thank all our business partners who reached us on the occasion and conveyed their support.
Once again we would like to express our sincere condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in the terrible earthquake.
Kind regards,
02.03.2023, Şişecam
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