Michael Maier strengthens the futronic sales team

Michael Maier joined the futronic sales team at the beginning of the year. He works alongside Murat Yolaçan and Marc Meersschaut, looking after existing customers and new business as well as exciting and promising projects, mainly in Western Europe and in North and South America. Aged 41, he is new to the glass industry but has many years of experience in international sales at mid-market companies in a range of other technology sectors.

futronic has strengthened its sales team – with Michael Maier now on board as an experienced sales manager. Aged 41, he has been working alongside Murat Yolaçan and Marc Meersschaut since the beginning of the year, looking after existing customers and new business as well as exciting and promising projects, mainly in Western Europe and in North and South America.

Focus on personal contacts

The focus is on personal contacts, which Maier emphasises are particularly important to him. In future, he will be travelling a great deal, getting to know customers and business partners, listening to their feedback and sounding out their individual needs. And of course, as a sales professional, Maier will represent futronic at international trade fairs together with his colleagues, presenting products and solutions and answering questions about controls and drives from the Tettnang-based automation specialist.

International sales experience in a range of industries

Maier is new to the glass industry, but has many years of experience in international sales at mid-market companies in a range of other technology sectors. “Michael Maier has an open mind and he quickly becomes familiar with complex topics”, says Stephan Pies, Director Sales at futronic. “We’re convinced he’ll do everything he can to get futronic ahead and help shape the company’s future. We’re delighted to have Michael on board with us.”

At home in the world, roots in his homeland

Michael Maier was born and raised in Tettnang, near Lake Constance. After graduating from secondary school, he initially did an apprenticeship as an Industrial Business Management Assistant with a higher-level qualification in “International Management” with a global market leader in the local region. Most recently, Maier was responsible for international sales at a firm in his hometown for a total of eleven years, holding various positions serving different markets – including France, which he fell in love with, and the UK. He also spent quite a while living and working in Paris, London and Detroit, although he has always kept his roots in his homeland. Michael Maier is a keen cyclist who lives with his family in Tettnang.

23.02.2023, futronic

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