Wednesday the 15th of February is the deadline for registering for GPD using the early bird offer. This offer has limited tickets available that are given on a first-come-first served basis. Take advantage by registering now!
Update from GPD We are currently preparing the conference program. There will be more than 10 sessions with over 120 technical presentations. Subject areas to include the following:
The event will also have an exhibition where companies will present the latest on glass technology. The now famous Step Change program that highlights start-ups in the industry will also be part of the exhibition.
Unique networking activities will be integrated in the conference program.
Given the above, it is simply not to be missed!
More information at
To book your seat using the discounted early bird offer, go to and follow the provided instructions to register.
Hotel accommodation
For your convenience, GPD has a limited number of rooms allocated in some hotels in Tampere. To reserve a room and get the GPD rate, please go to GPD Finland 2023 Hotels
Please take advantage of this limited offer and register now!
15.02.2023, GPD
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