Onyx Solar, a leading producer of photovoltaic glass technology, has successfully completed the largest photovoltaic integration project on the African continent at the Sterling Bank headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. The 6,500 m2 of crystalline silicon photovoltaic glass and 1 MW installed power will allow Sterling Bank to save energy costs and reduce its carbon footprint. Onyx Solar's photovoltaic glass is easy to install and maintain and the innovative solution features 3,250 photovoltaic glasses of 2,000x1,000 mm in blue to match Sterling Bank's aesthetic requirements.
The installation will allow Sterling Bank to save energy costs and reduce its carbon footprint. Onyx Solar's photovoltaic glass is easy to install and maintain, meaning that the Nigerian bank can take advantage of both the active and passive properties of this innovative technology.
Onyx Solar is a leading company in the production and supply of high-quality photovoltaic glass. With extensive experience in the field of renewable energy, the team of experts is committed to providing innovative and sustainable solutions to help our clients reduce their energy costs and improve their carbon footprint.
Onyx Solar is proud to have provided a cutting-edge and sustainable solution to Sterling Bank and looks forward to continuing to work with leading institutions in the adoption of renewable energies.
13.02.2023, Onyx Solar
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