Glassman Europe 2023 is nearly here, and HFT – a global leader in engineering, procurement, and construction of state-of-the-art glass factories and solutions – is excited to be an exhibitor at the show’s long anticipated return.
HFT focuses on providing comprehensive, reliable project solutions for all sectors of the glass market. The company’s expertise includes design-build of new greenfield facilities, redevelopment and modernization/upgrades of existing sites, cold repairs, as well as other project solutions. HFT supports all stages of a project – from project feasibility reviews, initial concept-development, and securing of financing options, to preconstruction, equipment and materials procurement, and design-build general contracting, to project management and project execution.
HFT will be represented by several senior executives, each of whom is a recognized leader in the glass industry. They will be available to discuss HFT’s range of services and how they can support your projects.
Attendees are encouraged to stop by booth E13 or to schedule a meeting in advance by contacting Sam Leaper at
06.02.2023, HFT
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