Dear valued customer,
RATH will be exhibiting at Glassman Europe in Istanbul, February 8-9, 2023 at booth H12. Save the date and see the quality of our products for yourself!
Under the motto “a glass of its own”, we will present highlights and a representative cross-section with exhibits from the refractory field for the entire glass production chain, including
- the new FOURATH 4-series feeder expendables
- the new 420 ultra-premium feeder expendable mix
- the new 473 zirconia inserted spouts
- the high alumina RATH channel blocks
- the new 457 and 458 fused silica mixes
- crucibles and pot furnaces for art glass
- day tanks and frit furnaces
- solutions for hot gas filtration
We will be on hand to answer all your questions and look forward to welcoming you at Glassman Europe!
21.01.2023, RATH
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