Meyer Burger achieves production plan with volume of 321 megawatts for the year 2022

Production volume of high-performance solar cells and modules in 2022 meets guidance of at least 320 megawatts (MW)

Ramp-up speed of the second production line was doubled compared to the first line 


With a production volume of 321.1 MW for 2022, Meyer Burger Technology AG has achieved the guidance of at least 320 MW published in August last year. Meyer Burger’s second production line has been in test operation in August 2022 and in production ramp-up since the end of September 2022. Meyer Burger’s team was able to increase the ramp-up speed significantly compared to the first line by transferring lessons learnt and implementing optimized processes. 

With the start of the second line, Meyer Burger can manufacture two of the three product variants in parallel, which improves the availability of these products for end customers and installers. At the same time, production efficiency increases because the frequency of necessary product switches is reduced. 

The ramp-up of the second line is expected to continue throughout the first quarter of 2023. The company plans to start the ramp-up of the third line in Thalheim (city of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Saxony-Anhalt) and in Freiberg (Saxony) in the second quarter and expects, as announced, a nominal production capacity of around 1.4 gigawatts (GW) at the end of the year and is targeting a production volume for the entire year of between 1.0 and 1.2 GW.

“Achieving the 2022 guidance is an important milestone for Meyer Burger. After we again had to solve major challenges due to disruptions in global supply chains, the ramp-up of the second line is now going twice as fast compared to the first line thanks to the great effort of our team,” said Daniel Menzel, COO of Meyer Burger.

09.01.2023, Meyer Burger

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