Glass Vallée - The Night of Glass” will take place on 24th November from 5.30 p.m. onwards at the Cloud Business Center in Paris, France. Zignago Vetro will be there: how could we not be, given how exceptional this event is in its scope and the personality of its guests?
This is the ideal way to end the International Year of Glass decreed by the United Nations. It will be a meeting devoted to trade professionals and aficionados of glass and packaging in which, after the opening speech, it will be possible to visit an exhibition of perfume bottles and attend four round-table discussions on decarbonization, recyclability, the value chain, growth and energy transition.
Sébastien Guche, Supply Chain Director for Zignago Vetro Brosse, will be present as a speaker in the third round-table discussion, which will deal with the carbon footprint in the glass industry and its supply chain: an interesting topic and one to which our Group is particularly sensitive. Indeed, we launched some time ago a project geared towards achieving sustainability, for which the Group is delighted to act as an ambassador in order to improve the whole of the glass production process.
23.11.2022, Saint Gobain
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