On 1 December 2022, Lars Wismer (49) will take over as Exhibition Director of glasstec, the world's leading trade fair for the glass industry. He succeeds Birgit Horn, who left Messe Düsseldorf a few months ago. Wismer is also in charge of other trade fairs.
"I am looking forward to being back on board at Messe Düsseldorf and to working with a strong team to further expand the leading position of the two leading trade fairs and the international portfolios," explains Lars Wismer.
As Director, Wismer is responsible not only for glasstec but also for the international Glass Technologies portfolio with the glasspex and glasspro fairs for the Indian market and the international Occupational Safety & Health portfolio with the TOS+H, CIOSH and OS+HA fairs.
Experienced man in Düsseldorf
Lars Wismer is a familiar face at Messe Düsseldorf. Thanks to his 16 years as Senior Project Manager, the event professional knows Messe Düsseldorf very well. He also has extensive experience in the management and marketing of large, international events.
Most recently, as Executive Director Sports at D.LIVE GmbH, he was in charge of D.SPORTS Events, Sales, PR/Communications and Marketing.
"I am very pleased that we have been able to win Lars Wismer back for Messe Düsseldorf. He has many years of expertise in managing international events at home and abroad," comments Petra Cullmann, Executive Director at Messe Düsseldorf.
17.11.2022, glasstec
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