Everything is ready for Beautyworld Middle East. Not only will the world’s finest producers in the beauty and wellness sectors be meeting up from 31st October to 2nd November 2022 at the Dubai World Trade Center, but Zignago Vetro, one of the leading companies in the production - among other items - of glass containers for the beauty industry with its brand Zignago Brosse, will also be present.
We simply couldn’t miss the most important international fair for beauty products, hair care, perfumes and wellness in the Middle East, as well as one of the five principal fairs anywhere in the world. Not only is this a unique opportunity for presenting our lines to a market that is rapidly growing and with enormous potential like that of the Middle East, it is also a chance to meet top companies and share our methods, thoughts and ideas.
Zignago Vetro in fact believes that substantial developments are taking place in the international glass industry, and that there is a margin for growth that is as yet unexplored. And though every company has its own story, it is through meeting that they discover how to improve.
See you in Dubai!
01.11.2022, Zignago Vetro
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