British Glass welcomes the announcement from government to cap energy prices and assist businesses, including the glass industry, with the ongoing energy crisis for an initial six months.
The interventions announced today will see the extortionate bills facing our industry capped at less than half of the expected wholesale price and while the extent of this help will vary across our members, it is an important step to negotiate the tough winter ahead.
British Glass CEO Dave Dalton said:
“It is encouraging to see the statement from government, and we welcome the support outlined to aid energy intensive businesses throughout the winter.
“We now know that some glass manufacturers will see reduced bills thanks to a cap on energy pricing which will allow them to continue to manufacture and compete internationally.
“However, it is important that this is not the only support offered to energy intensive industries throughout this winter as it is incredibly likely that the problems facing businesses will continue after the initial six-month period of support.
“We look forward to working with government, alongside our colleagues in energy intensive industries, to ensure these measures are adopted swiftly and that the three month review on vulnerable businesses is targeted appropriately.”
02.11.2022, British Glass
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