On September 21, 2022, the first delivery of IG units from the Press Glass UAB production plant in Kaunas (Lithuania) was completed. The newest and most modern plant in the Press Glass group will handle orders of window and door joinery producers from the Scandinavian region and the Baltic countries.
Established in 2021, Press Glass UAB with its registered office in Kaunas is a subsidiary of Press Glass Holding SA. The new plant of Press Glass Holding SA with an area of nearly 27,000 m2 was built in 18 months in the Kaunas Economic Zone, which is one of the main industrial centres in Lithuania.
The production plant in Kaunas is characterized by a very high level of automation, it is also the greenest plant in the Press Glass group. On the roof of the plant, there will be a photovoltaic installation consisting of 4,400 panels with a capacity of 1.72 MWp. In addition, Press Glass has signed a 10-year contract for the supply of electricity based mainly on renewable energy from a dedicated wind farm.
Press Glass UAB in Kaunas will reach full production capacity in 2023. The estimated production capacity will be approximately 1.5 million m2 of double and triple glazing units per year.
Press Glass is a leading manufacturer of insulated glass in Europe. Currently, Press Glass has 15 production plants located in Poland, Croatia, Lithuania and Great Britain. The company also has two modern production facilities in the United States.
27.10.2022, Press Glass UAB
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