Wahl Refractory Solutions, Fremont, Ohio, will now conduct business under the name Wahl Refractory Solutions, a Fosbel Company.
Wahl Refractory has been a respected manufacturer and supplier to the steel, aluminum, cement, and thermo-processing industries since 1921. A recognized leader in technology for monolithic and precast refractories, Wahl manufactures tailored, custom refractory solutions. As the innovator in the use of steel fibers in refractories, Wahl pioneered SIFCA® (Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Castable) and has been at the forefront in design, formulation, and manufacture solutions to our customers’ toughest applications.
Fosbel’s mission in providing industry specific services, engineered refractory solutions and advanced installation methods will continue with exceptional service to our markets by leveraging our outstanding employees to implement these strategies. The integration of Fosbel and Wahl Refractory secures a future of continued growth through strengthened products and services to a broader customer base.
By making a commitment to ensure Wahl’s continuing business under the Fosbel umbrella, capital investments are being made at Wahl’s manufacturing plant. Fosbel will utilize Wahl’s manufacturing and production capabilities that will result in shortened supply chains and increased inventory capacities. This will result in improved products and services for Wahl and Fosbel customers.
Both companies have unceasingly provided excellent customer service and new innovations to their respective markets by delivering consistent quality with repeatable performance; and this tradition will continue.
24.01.2021, Fosbel
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