To support its business outreach throughout the Middle East and North Africa, HFT has appointed United Arab Emirates-based Victorious Technics FZE as its sales representative. Specifically, the company’s charge is supporting the region’s float, container, fiberglass, pharmaceutical, tableware and specialty glass sectors.
In working on HFT’s behalf, Victorious Technics FZE’s geographic emphasis will be on the Gulf Cooperative Council area (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE), along with Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey.
“While HFT is a global company, we’re strongly committed to providing each of our clients with local, hands-on support,” says Sam Leaper, Director of Glass Business Development. “Partnering with Victorious Technics FZE highlights this commitment, and will make us even more responsive to our clients throughout the region.”
HFT recently announced a major deal with Calgary-based Canadian Premium Sands for North America’s first-ever integrated glass manufacturing facility for the production of photovoltaic solar panels. The new plant will be located on a 121-acre site in Manitoba.
“From our major announcement with Canadian Premium Sands, other major projects, to a terrifically successful Glasstec event, our company is enjoying an exciting period of growth,” says Leaper. “Having the respected and knowledgeable local assistance of Victorious Technics FZE now assisting us with sales outreach and support in the Middle East and North Africa will enhance our commitment to long-term customer service and support growth throughout the region.”
20.10.2022, HFT
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