Its glass facility will be built adjacent to its aluminium can production plant in the Municipality of Juiz de Fora (PJF), Brazil.
Construction of the glass plant will start in November and is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of next year.
The glass and can plants will be installed on land that previously belonged to the automaker Mercedes-Benz.
The start date of the works was announced after a meeting between members of the global glass packager and the office of the local Mayor, Margarida Salomão (PT).
Among those in attendance at the meeting was the operational director of Ardagh Glass Europe, Henrik Bonne.
During the meeting, the Ardagh executives received the environmental licenses issued by the local authority.
The municipality will host the Ardagh Group's fourth aluminium packaging plant in Brazil and the group's first glass plant in the country, with a plant that will have 130,000m2 of built area for production and stock.
The enterprise is expected to generate 300 jobs.
The factories are anticipated to be designed with modern equipment, technology and high energy efficiency, which provide lower consumption of electricity, fuel and water.
14.10.2022, Ardagh Glass
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