From September 20 to 23, VON ARDENNE will present its latest digital solutions for more resource efficiency in glass coating with VA INDIGO at glasstec 2022 in Düsseldorf, one of the leading trade fairs in the glass industry, at booth E49 in hall 12.
At glasstec, VON ARDENNE will focus on the following products from the VA INDIGO family:
- Resource efficiency in glass coating
- VA PROCESSMASTER: software for monitoring and controlling complete optical layer stacks in large area coating
- VA TIPCOS: software determines and monitors the optimal operating point of the sputtering process. This determines the minimum energy required for the desired deposition rate and keeps the process stable at the optimum operating point, resulting in energy cost savings
- VA RECIPEMASTER: Software enables with a powerful recipe architecture the automation of the start-up of the coating process as well as the switching between different procedures in production
19.09.2022, VON ARDENNE
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