The fresh and forward-thinking Flydubai brand has rapidly expanded its network in underserved markets since commencing operations in 2009, removing barriers to travel and enhancing connectivity.
A prominent headquarters reflective of the company’s success story and pioneering identity saw the development of a 33,740 square metre head office in Dubai incorporating a series of facilities such as office spaces, training and recreation centres, medical clinic, restaurants, and business accommodation, all supported by a standalone warehouse and onsite parking.
EnduroShield is proud to have been selected for this project, in conjunction with our partners Advanced Process Technologies and Gulf Glass Industries.
“The project specifications intent was to reduce impact on the environment caused by excessive amount of water used on façade maintenance and still maintain the beauty of the building façade. The EnduroShield coating was the perfect choice in terms of achieving an easy-clean, low maintenance façade,” said Pascoal DSilva, Quality & Technical Manager, Gulf Glass IND. CO. LLC.
The key objective for the space was to provide a sustainable working environment for all employees. The architectural design of the building itself is technologically advanced, with cutting-edge features that highlight the company’s lean towards innovation. One such feature is the implementation of EnduroShield’s easy-clean coating technology for long-lasting protection and easier ongoing maintenance of glass surfaces. The water-repellent coating is highly durable and UV resistant, making it an ideal choice for the hot climate.
Exterior glass is constantly exposed to the elements. Building owners who are conscious of the aesthetic and ecological longevity of their developments look to EnduroShield for a durable solution.
14.09.2022, EnduroShield
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