Strategic partnership between Pochet and Fives First electric furnace dedicated to luxury bottles in France


Pochet Group, a key partner of the luxury industry specializing in glass packaging for perfume, skincare and make-up, and Fives, an international industrial engineering group, are combining expertise to reduce carbon emissions and offer eco-friendly glass production.

Pochet du Courval, the division of the Pochet Group that has been an expert in shaping and decorating glass for 400 years, has stated an objective to reduce CO2 emissions of its production by 50% by 2033 offering decarbonized glass to its clients. The Guimerville plant, located in Normandy, France, is an industrial flagship that manufactures and decorates more than one million glass bottles and jars every day for the most prestigious perfume and beauty brands.



Fives, a market leader in all-electric melting technologies, will design and supply an electric furnace for the Guimerville plant. The furnace – Prium® E-Melt cold-top vertical melter – is one of the most advanced technologies available to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The melter is designed based on Fives’ significant electric melting operational experience.

The investment, supported by Pochet Group’s private shareholders, is in line with the group strategy to reduce an environmental impact of the industry and will require a major transformation, both technological and human.



“This electric furnace will be the very first French furnace dedicated to luxury bottles enabling us to offer carbon-free glass to perfume, skincare and make-up brands that will deliver tomorrow’s beauty,” said Benoit Marszalek, Pochet du Courval’s Chief Operating Officer.

“Fives is committed to providing innovative solutions based on our proven technology to electrify glass process. We help the industry partners to meet their objectives in terms of decarbonisation, as well as to train technicians and operators at the plant level,” says Alexandre Brusset, Vice-President of Glass at Fives.

By forming this strategic partnership, both groups – Pochet and Fives – are undertaking a mission to make glass production more environmentally friendly.

06.09.2022, Pochet

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