Glasstec returns to Düsseldorf. The most important event in the world of glass is finally back. After four long years, the best minds in the industry can finally meet in Düsseldorf again to exchange ideas about – the latest technologies in the glass industry. Exciting live product demonstrations, educational events and exhibitions from over 1,200 glass industry manufacturers and suppliers from more than 50 countries await you.
Impressions of glasstec 2018:
From September 20 to 23, 2022, we will welcome all customers and visitors in person to present our highly advanced glass scanning solutions. You won’t want to miss hearing about our exciting new developments that will help you produce superior quality glass products for your customers. Our technological advancements for both current and new products, along with better statistical analysis, will help ensure your company’s future success.
Meet the Viprotron team at booth E33 in hall 14 to learn more about our latest product innovations, including:
Roller Wave – measurement using the new intelligent geometry metrology method.
Quality Scanner 3D – with powerful new software enhancements
ECO Scanner PRO – even more efficient and with additional features
Innovative Dashboard – monitor and statistically evaluate productivity, quality, and maintenance actions across your entire operation
02.09.2022, Viprotron
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