During the summer months, Vetrerie Riunite began reconstruction work on the second furnace, known as the Centaur, in order to increase its production capacity.
Specifically, with regard to the old structure, the vault, superstructure and regeneration chamber have been maintained. In contrast, all glass conditioning and distribution channels and other parts of the furnace in direct contact with the glass are under construction.
The companies that contributed to the renovation of the furnace are Tecsiglass, which handled the design, demolition and reconstruction of the structure, as well as the updating of the software part, along with Fila termoidraulica, which handled the construction of the compressed air, methane and technological water systems, and C.D.M., which handled the heavy carpentry part. Finally, Alca handled the upgrading of the electrical system.
The reconstruction of the furnace will allow the production of 190 tons of glass per day, instead of 175, so as to be increasingly competitive in the market.
In this way, Vetrerie Riunite consolidates its leading position in the world market for glass doors for washing machines and dryers.
31.08.2022, vetrerie
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