After taking a break for summer, CelSian will hold a further two training courses this year in September and October.
The two talks, the first on glass quality and the second on glass technology, will be available online and in person in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
The first course, titled ‘Redox, fining and glass quality’, will take place on 12-15 September 2022 over four half days.
This course is for advanced glass professional who want to learn the consequences redox can have on production chains, such as seeds defects and colour variation among other areas.
Deadline to register is August 30th
The second course, titled ‘General Glass Technology (European Autumn Edition)’, will take place 3-7 October 2022 over five days.
This is CelSian’s most comprehensive course for a global overview and understanding of key glass-making technologies - from raw materials to the glass-making process.
It is perfect for newcomers in the glass industry as well as more experienced glass professionals who want to refresh their knowledge.
After hosting the course in the US (Toledo, Ohio) in June, this autumn CelSian will host the course again with the schedule adapted to the European time zones.
Deadline to register: September 6th
CelSian’s Academy courses, which prices have remained the same since 2019, will increase in price in 2023.
Therefore, the above training will be the last chance to enrol at the current pricing.
The new prices will be communicated at the same time as the release of CelSian’s new Academy brochure during glasstec.
24.08.2022, CelSian
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