There are two pieces of news about Zignago Vetro’s production at our Fossalta di Portogruaro site, which underline how the future is increasingly part of the present and has less and less to do with the past.
The first regards the switching off of furnace no. 11. It will be dismantled after years of intense activity.
The second is the consequent starting up of furnace no. 14 at the same facility: this is a natural succession, in the name of improvement.
The characteristics of the new plant
The new furnace has been conceived with the very highest levels of technology and innovation and designed with particular attention to the palletization and labelling zones. Entering in action early in July 2022, it can produce up to 370 tonnes thanks to its four lines, two of which can manage products in tandem. It specializes in F&B containers in flint glass, mainly jars but also bottles.
Why a new furnace?
Fear of change is an obstacle to innovation: for this reason, Zignago Vetro is happy to have taken this important step. The new lines have been designed to obtain maximum productivity with the least possible energy consumption, but also to occupy the spaces available in an ergonomic, logical and sustainable manner.
27.07.2022, Zignago Vetro
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