Glass Madrid Berlanas, the specialists in double and triple glazing in the Spanish capital Madrid, operate in a 27,000 m2 facility equipped with the latest technology.
The latest system from LiSEC - the fully automatic LiSEC insulating glass line VSA, used for applying flexible spacer bands to glass sheets - has only recently gone into operation. The Spanish glass processing company is not only particularly proud of this investment because of the machine's functionalities - it is also the first of its kind throughout Spain and once again underlines the USP and quality of Glass Madrid Berlanas' products.
There are a total of 70 employees headed by the managing directors Antonio Fernández, Antonio Gómez and Natanael Fernández, who manufacture a wide range of products in the 11,000 m2 production halls of Glass Madrid Berlanas, for use in building and architectural projects: Windows, exterior railings, façades, exterior and structural glazing, but also sheets of glass for skylights or outdoor furniture are just some of the products that are manufactured with the wide range of machinery. All in all, there are four glass cutting lines, two intelligent glass storage systems, two insulating glass lines for double and triple insulated glass, four glass bending furnaces and many more machines that enable glass components to be drilled, milled and their edges to be processed quickly and with high quality. The first fully automatic system for applying flexible spacer bands to glass sheets, the VSA from LiSEC, has only recently begun to support production.
21.07.2022, LISEC VSA
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