AGC to Revise Pricing for Architectural Glass Products in Japan

AGC (AGC Inc.; Headquarters: Tokyo; President: Yoshinori Hirai) has decided to raise the sales price of its architectural glass-related products in Japan. New prices will be applied to products delivered on October 1, 2022 and after. The scheduled price increases are approximately 40% for float glass, 35% for figured glass and figured wired glass, 30% for polished wired glass, 20% for mirrors, and 25-30% for the main products of fabricated glass for architectural use. For some products, price revisions may be more than above.

The AGC Group’s architectural glass business in Japan is facing a significant increase in various cost burdens, such as the sharp rise in raw materials and fuel, sub-materials, and logistics costs, as well as the rapid depreciation of the Japanese yen.

In this environment, the AGC Group is striving to cope with the rising costs by continuing to make every effort to improve productivity and reduce costs. However, the Group has determined that it is difficult to absorb the sharp rise in costs through its own efforts alone, and therefore has decided to implement a price revision for architectural glass-related products in Japan.

Under its AGC plus-2023 medium-term management plan, the AGC Group has focused on improving the profitability and asset efficiency of its architectural glass business as a priority issue for the Group management and is implementing a variety of initiatives in this field. In the architectural glass business in Japan, the AGC Group will continue to create social and economic value through the provision of a stable supply of architectural glass over the long term, and improved business profitability.

07.07.2022, AGC

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