At a gala held at the Lubomirski Palace in Warsaw, Forglass was once again named the Ambassador of the Polish Economy. The aim of the competition which is currently in its 13th edition, is to increase the involvement of Polish entrepreneurs in promoting Poland internationally, as a reliable economic partner. The competition is a nationwide non-commercial undertaking whose task is to distinguish and promote entrepreneurs who are successful in international markets, promote high economic and financial standards and observe good business practices in foreign contacts.
For the fourth time, Forglass was named the winner – this time in the category of Exporter. The company was recognised for consistently delivering the best technology and workmanship to its clients in Europe and beyond. Forglass has set the example as a promoter of Poland as the birthplace of reliable, innovative technological solutions.
Receiving the award on behalf of the company was Grzegorz Żelezik.
04.07.2022, forglass
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