HFT is proud to announce further additions to its growing team with the hiring of Project Manager John Wilson and Refractory Engineer Lee Dawber.
As project manager, Wilson’s primary role at HFT will be overseeing professional teams focused on the planning and execution of major projects for the company’s high-profile clients. Over the past decade, Wilson’s experience includes various leadership roles working within the construction and engineering industry most notably pertaining to EPC Air Pollution Control Systems. He holds a degree in civil engineering from Michigan State University.
As a refractory engineer, Dawber’s primary responsibilities at HFT are focused on furnace design and construction. Before joining the company, he was most recently a hot end process engineer with a prominent float-glass manufacturer. Dawber holds a mechanical engineering degree from St. Helens Technology College in England.
“As our business continues to grow, it’s important that we bring aboard new employees who have just the right backgrounds and skills,” says Brad Hall, Chief Operations Officer. “We continually work to attract the best talent within the industry. I’m confident we’ve done exactly this with John and Lee. The abilities, and experience they bring to HFT are precisely what we need to support the varied needs of our clients around the globe.”
07.06.2022, HFT
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