We are excited to announce that EME has just been awarded the contract to install a batch plant for Glass Futures, the new state-of-the-art research and development facility in St Helens, England.
Along with other top specialists in materials handling, we were invited to put forward an engineering tender. With our detailed design chosen for the supply and install, this unique ground-breaking initiative covers a vast range of new technologies that will change things for the better. "It's a project primarily focused on the future of the glass industry," explains Grant Bailey, Technical Director for EME. "We were selected as a partner for Glass Futures because we are able to adapt."
Capital Projects Manager of Glass Futures, Peter Liggett adds that working with EME has been very rewarding: "They have approached this project with an open mind and we have been able to work together to identify the correct solutions."
Our technical department has already started working on the project, with plans to install four huge silos at the site. Due for completion next year, Glass Futures will be a Global Centre of Excellence for R&D, innovation and training, with the target of eliminating carbon from mass production.
02.06.2022, EME
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