In order to enrich the variety of glass products, Hongxing glass factory added frosted glass production equipment after two 140t /days clear glass production lines were successfully put into operation. The frosting equipment was officially installed successfully on 12th May, and the first qualified frosted glass was produced. At present, the production capacity of frosted glass is 300-400 m2 / h, which meets the needs of customers in Congo Local market and surrounding countries for frosted glass.
At present, the factory has sufficient inventory of 2mm / 3mm / 4mm / 5mm / 6mm / 8mm flat clear glass. If you need it, please contact us at any time. Our coating equipment is also being purchased. It is expected that the coated glass products will be put into production by the end of June. At that time, customers who need coated glass are welcome to inquire.
23.05.2022, Hongxing
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