Coca-Cola Bottling Company United has partnered with O-I to capture more recycled glass from its production site in Georgia, US.
The recycled glass will be remade into glass bottles.
Coca-Cola United’s goal is to use 50% of recycled material in its bottles by 2030 as part of its World Without Waste initiative.
Through the partnership, the company expects to recycle more than 700,000 out-of-date and damaged bottles annually.
The bottles were previously sent to a local recycler for use in fiberglass, but the recycled glass will now be taken to O-I’s plant in Virginia, US to be remade into bottles.
Sammy Holaschutz, Recycling Systems Development Leader at O-I said: “Our ability to increase the average recycled content in O-I containers largely depends on the amount of recycled glass available.
“We need others in the glass value chain – our customers, other industries and certainly consumers – to help increase glass recycling rates. The action taken by Coca-Cola United to promote recycling and circularity sets a strong example.”
11.05.2022, O-I
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