Knowledge transfer at the highest level and exchange with leading industry experts: this is what this year's glasstec 2022 supporting program stands for. Use the resources of glasstec 2022 and the accompanying trade fair decarbXpo (free admission with your ticket!) to position your company for the future. And very topical: The exhibitors of glasstec registered so far can now be researched online.
The glasstec conference
The glasstec conference combines harnesses industry know-how from theory and practice in the context of the five trend themes. Every day, glasstec 2022 visitors can find out about the current developments and trends in the sessions on Glass Production, Processing Technology and Products.
Also forming an integral part of the line-up of supporting program, is the international Architecture Congress. This year it will be held once again in cooperation with the Chamber of Architects North Rhine-Westphalia on the Thursday of the trade fair (22 September, CCD Ost) under the heading: “Weitblick. Zukunftsfähige Architektur mit Glas” (Foresight. Future-Proof Architecture with Glass)
Each afternoon will feature additional lectures in the glasstec conference area. These will be offered by universities and scientific institutions on the topic of façade and metal construction, by the VDMA on the topic of machine communication and by EuroWindoor on energy efficiency and the use of natural daylight. Details on the supporting will be available soon.
05.05.2022, glasstec
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