Weck Glaswerk, one of the most historic and renowned glassworks in Germany, has relied for decades on Rotary Vane technology for the supply of vacuum and compressed air to the IS machines. In 2017, for the expansion of its production plant in Bonn, the company installed the first Pneumofore UV30 vacuum pump. This rotary vane pump surpassed the customer’s expectations.
The efficient non-stop operation and the independence of service reinforced the customer’s trust in Pneumofore. In 2019, a second UV30 with Variable Speed drive (VSD) was commissioned, as well as the low-pressure air compressor A400.4 for the supply of 3 bar(g) pressure.
Owing to the steady running of the Pneumofore machines under full load over the years, Weck Glasswerk was happy to document the results and the confirmed power consumption savings. With a pure and honest testimonial, Weck is demonstrating the improvements achieved in meeting the demanding German carbon footprint reduction rules.
The full version of the video is also available in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian and Portuguese, along with the English version, on the Pneumofore YouTube channel.
05.05.2022, Pneumofore
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