Wideye selected to supply key protective optical components for the “ibeoNEXT”

Wideye® by AGC is very proud to announce it has been officially selected by Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH to supply key protective optical components for the production of the “ibeoNEXT” LiDAR system. The “ibeoNEXT” has two variants, a 60° field of view for short range applications and a 11.2° field of view for long range applications. It is available worldwide to all manufacturers. The system will be integrated into a new Chinese SUV model which is scheduled to be launched by the end of 2022. 

Wideye is the scale-up of the glass group AGC, focusing on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) as well as autonomous driving.

“Wideye has been able to develop a glass which meets the high optical performance requirements of a LiDAR sensor and the reliability needed in the automotive industry. Thanks to its high transmission in the near infra-red spectrum and excellent optical properties, the Wideye solution is enabling high performance for the “ibeoNEXT” with limited impact on range and precision”  says Helmin Ramovic, Program Manager for the “ibeoNEXT” at Ibeo.

The certified automotive grade glass will also ensure good protection and durability of the system. 

Additionally, Wideye will deliver not just the glass but a semi-finished product. The glass will be encapsulated to its frame and includes a leadframe, necessary to operate the heating function. The encapsulation is the perfect sealing solution for the system while the leadframe allows the system to remain functional in cold weather conditions.

“AGC, as global leader for automotive glazing solutions, has the duty to meet new demand from the automotive industry regarding the integration of ADAS systems. That is why we have developed the dedicated Wideye team to tackle these new challenges. As an integrator, we position ourselves at the crossing point between optical expertise and automotive requirements. This is how we are able to offer solutions to advanced LiDAR technology suppliers such as Ibeo” says Quentin Fraselle, Chief Executive Officer at Wideye.

Wideye and Ibeo will continue to collaborate on new LiDAR system development for other use cases or integration such as 120° and 32° field of view variants of the ibeoNEXT.

28.04.2022, AGC

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