Stoelzle celebrates a year of US glass manufacturing

Stoelzle Glass Group has celebrated a year of container glass production in the USA.

It said since its acquisition of the Monaca plant in March 2021, continuous investment in Stoelzle USA has proven an impactful first year breaking into the North American market.

It serves diverse clientele ranging from North American Spirit partners such as Bulleit Bourbon to local distillers such as Middle West Spirits.

In the past year, Stoelzle has modernised the Monaca facility and said it will continue to enhance the plant production lines.

Nate Smith will become President of Stoelzle Glass USA. August Grupp will continue as a director of the board and will take over the role of chairman of the board from Georg Feith, the company's CEO.

Smith brings more than two decades of experience to the appointed role of President, with previous positions in operations, manufacturing and most recently as Vice President of Operations.

In addition to Stoelzle, Smith has held roles with Anchor Hocking, Corning and Osram Sylvania.

In recognition of the refurbishments and plant success, CEO Georg Feith and President August Grupp, along with other local Stoelzle leaders commemorated the anniversary with a ribbon-cutting event last week, joined by the Beaver County Chamber of Commerce and local officials.

Since acquiring the Monaca, Pennsylvania plant, Stoelzle has found success with important customers such as Bulleit Burbon, while also focusing on the local market, with distilleries such as Middle West Spirits, taking the company to new heights in the local and prestige spirts niche markets.

Stoelzle has also modernised and refurbished plant facilities, while simultaneously improving employee safety measures and morale.

Within the upcoming year, Stoelzle will completely relaunch a new production line, in order to advance bottle manufacturing.

20.04.2022, Stoelzle

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