Tvitec glass turns Edge Amsterdam West dome into a solar collector the size of a football pitch
Edge Amsterdam West is an exciting new real estate project that has become a lesson in how high-performance glass can work in harmony alongside technology, cutting-edge architecture and a large measure of sustainable and biophilic principles. Architekten Cie architecture studio has taken charge of the design of the project’s giant dome, making it the beating heart of this attractive office complex. The skylight, comprised of nearly 9,000 metres of glass, surrounds an impressive green atrium. Natural light soaks the entire centre of the building by way of this impressive, glazed eye. The outer part of the structure was designed by the Dutch company Kingspan Light + Air, a specialist in installing façades.
Tvitec used its teams’ advanced technology and the professionalism it’s renowned for to produce the glass panels for Kingspan, creating panels that fit together with exquisite precision to form a puzzle of unique shapes, with measurements as big as 3 metres long and significantly high weight.
This is due to the highly sophisticated nature of the panels that comprise this dome, almost as big as a football field. The panels themselves are doubleglazed, filled with argon gas for greater environmental efficiency, as well as being tempered and laminated for maximum resistance and safety to protect against possible breakage.
To promote energy savings and maximum brightness, mid-iron window panels were chosen, featuring Guardian Sunguard SN 51/28 glazing. The overall result is an impressive green atrium, open staircases and truly comfortable offices. The building’s details can be enjoyed by any visitor and particularly by those who use its offices, which strive for the highest level of environmental certification.
Project coordinator Armela Gluscevic is thrilled with the result and praised her team’s harmonious collaboration with her client’s team at Kingspan Light + Air.
“ The new glass roof plays a vital role in the building’s lighting and in controlling energy consumption. The building features an optimised building envelope and high-quality glass window units. It is equipped with thermal energy saving features and solar panels installed on the roof ”
19.04.2022, Tvitec
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